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We had to have efficient and useful ways to communicate with each other. Also a security system so as not to lose the whole project and of course, a perfect planning to get on time to the delivery date. Not forgetting the platform to save everything. Completed tasks: 


1 - Development and reasoning of a communication protocol.


2 - Development of Security and Redundancy Protocols.


3 - Task Division Planning Protocol (SCRUM).


4 - Creating repository protocols.


Tyler has been the first character we've focused on. How he was going to look and move in game. As well as each scout's own different skills and the switch between two interfaces. Completed tasks:


1 - Character implementation in game (Tyler).


2 - Character animation in game (Tyler).


3 - Implementation of Scout skills in Unity.


4 - Interface transitions.


After Tyler, we work on the Wendigo, the antagonist of the game. Moreover, the first stage of a playable room in game and some programming stuff. Completed tasks: 


1 - Character animation in game (Wendigo)


2 - Character implementation in game (Wendigo).


3 - Functional room implementation.


4 - Programming in Unity: Missions appear, you can collect items, completed Wendigo skills.


Day before the final pitch, this last 2 weeks we have been working hard all together to get the video game ready for presentation. It hasn't been easy but we are proud of the end result. Completed tasks:


1 - Perfect the animations of Tyler and Wendigo.


2 - Functional map to play live in the presentation.


3 - Functional interfaces.


4 - Final trailer of the game.


5 - Astonishing performance to present the game.



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